BIOROCK multi-units: Halswell House Country House

BIOROCK multi-units: Halswell House Country House


Somerset, England.


Design, installation, and commission of a complete wastewater treatment scheme at Halswell House following careful coordination with the Environment Agency. 
Halswell House is Grade 1 listed, 17th-century superior country home.


100 PE


Halswell House country home

Technical description

As a wedding and events venue, the specification of a sewage treatment scheme required a system that would handle sporadic flows and loadings with low running costs whilst maintaining a limited visual and noise footprint.  A BIOROCK sewage treatment scheme comprising 4 independent sewage treatment units, Biovent ventilators and the appropriate dosing apparatus has been installed and is expected to be commissioned in 2015 following extensive work to surface and foul-water drainage infrastructure.

Želite stopiti v stik z nami?

Pozdravljeni, sem José Manuel Rodríguez , BIOROCK-ova International Sales Director. Stopite v stik z nami za BREZPLAČNO oceno projekta.

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