BIOROCK-S + 2000L Primary Tank +Pumping to a drainage field.

BIOROCK-S + 2000L Primary Tank +Pumping to a drainage field.


Põlvamaa, Estonia


5 PE

Technical description

This beautiful house is located next to the town of Põlvamaa. There are a number of houses in the area, all of them on septic systems as no local sewerage system has been built. The owner of this house is not living there permanently; therefore the choice of a non-electric compact wastewater treatment plant was a necessity.

Our client was equipped with a small, outdated, and failing brick septic tank followed by an infiltration area. We advised him of the correct size system for his requirements: a BIOROCK ST-1-2000 primary tank, a BIOROCK-S Treatment Unit, and our Pump kit to uplift the treated effluent to the existing infiltration area which was re-designed to fit the surroundings.

The benefits are numerous. The client now has a system that works and is compliant with current regulations and he no longer has to worry about the quality of the effluent his onsite wastewater treatment plant is producing and discharging.

Želite stopiti v stik z nami?

Pozdravljeni, sem José Manuel Rodríguez , BIOROCK-ova International Sales Director. Stopite v stik z nami za BREZPLAČNO oceno projekta.

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