New build 5 bedroom house with BIOROCK-L system in Stockport

New build 5 bedroom house with BIOROCK-L system in Stockport


Stockport, England


New Build 5 Bedroom House with BIOROCK-L System and Pumped Discharge to a nearby Stream.


The client had previous experience with off mains electrical sewage treatment systems with both high running costs and frequent breakdowns with expensive repairs. He researched the market extensively for alternatives and selected the BIOROCK System due to the non-electric operation, low maintenance costs with no risk of breakdown, and the high effluent quality allowing the discharge to go directly to the nearby stream.

Želite stopiti v stik z nami?

Pozdravljeni, sem José Manuel Rodríguez , BIOROCK-ova International Sales Director. Stopite v stik z nami za BREZPLAČNO oceno projekta.

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