Septic tank replacement at a small campsite and youth hostel in Wales

Septic tank replacement at a small campsite and youth hostel in Wales


Septic tank replacement at a small campsite and youth hostel in Wales


2x BIOROCK L for 20 PE


Our client is an organization responsible for the management of hostels and small campsites in rural areas. This small compact wastewater treatment system has been installed at a hostel previously equipped with a simple failing septic tank. Hostels and campsites offer challenges to sewage treatment system designers due to the fluctuations in loading conditions and sometimes relatively long periods with little or no loading. The BIOROCK System is perfectively designed to cope with such conditions.

In this case, the septic tank had to be replaced to avoid the continuing pollution of the river that flows close to the site. The small sewage treatment plant consists of two BIOROCK-L Units in parallel, for a total capacity of 3000L per day and equivalent of 20pe. The treated sewage, which consists exclusively of domestic wastewater from the visitor's facilities (showers and toilets) is discharged to an underground drainage field.

Želite stopiti v stik z nami?

Pozdravljeni, sem José Manuel Rodríguez , BIOROCK-ova International Sales Director. Stopite v stik z nami za BREZPLAČNO oceno projekta.

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